Prostitutes furious as Senate bans soliciting (The Local, 1er avril 2015)

« The legislation could yet be revised again as MPs in the National Assembly will however have the final word when the bill passes to the lower house for a second and final reading.

Hundreds of prostitutes — many South American and Chinese, and many wearing masks — took to the streets of Paris on Saturday to protest the proposed laws.

« Prostitution is legal in France, » said Franceline Lepany, who advocates for sex workers’ rights. « This bill seeks to even further stigmatise prostitutes. »

Paying or accepting payment for sex currently is not, in itself, a crime in France. But soliciting, pimping — which includes running brothels — and the sale of sex by minors are prohibited.

« We must go after the mafia, not these women, » said Senator Esther Benbassa at Saturday’s protest. « We have taken a step backwards. And all this to give society a veneer of morality. »

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